Uncategorized / November 1, 2014

when you say that you love me, i assumed that you will give all the best for me. in another word: none of these things come to my life for a bad one in another word: you shouldn’t send me anything, but the best one by this way i know that You are the best

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Path / October 24, 2014

sekarang gw ngerti, kenapa kalo nganter orang sakit ga usah banyak banyak. karena ruang tunggu sangat terbatas, dan berjubelnya pengantar tidak membuat pasien bernafas lebih mudah. – at RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) View on Path

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Path / October 22, 2014

Nangkring di RSUD Cilegon menikmati layanan kesehatan Pemerintah. Sloooooow but sure! View on Path

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Path / October 21, 2014

karena ga boleh merangkap jabatan, saya mundur dari bursa menteri. jadi orang sakit aja belum becus, apalagi kalo merangkap mentri hahahahahahahaaaa View on Path

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